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Thursday, September 28, 2006

puzzle quizle

i don't understand how God works.....


i pray that some day I will.....

Friday, September 08, 2006

Life that breathe

There are some things in life that will breathe life into us at some point of time. How often we become so comfortable in our so called perfect life and forget about the reality of life. How often we stick closely to our own circle of familiar faces and forget that there are people who cries out for love and acceptence everyday. How often we expect people to live up to our expection and forget that people are still human. How often we put others down to make ourself feel better. How often we overlook little little things in life and forget that great things comes in small packages. How often? Yes. How often? I stand guilty on all of the above.

Someone once told me "everyone has a past". As I reflect on those words, it actually makes more sense to me why people are what they are today. Sometimes I wonder how can one be like this and that, how can one have such attitude, how can one react in such and such a way, how can one have such mindset. But what I've failed to realise is everyone has a past. It might be good, it might be bad. Which ever it is, it builds them to become who they are today. Therefore, before even questioning and falsely judging, I think there is a need to look deeper within before anything should come out of the mouth. After all, everyone is still human with imperfection.

I once heard this statement somewhere. It goes something like "Saying someone is ugly does not make you prettier" or "Saying some one is stupid does not make you smarter". Basically it simply means putting some else down does not make you any better. I personally find this statement really true yet still trying to fully embrace it. When pride and envy exist, I think it has a tendency to drive people to say stupid things that are nothing but to tear life down. Overcoming pride is always one hard lesson to be learn. Sometimes you just scream at it so hard to leave but it just chooses to stay.

What does it really mean to love people?

Much is taken out of you to love people, YET much is also gain

I think I should stop blogging now. My assignments are calling me....
Signing off cheerious~
