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Friday, April 20, 2007


The ones closest to me are the ones who hurt me
Why do things around me make me feel second best?
My lecturers makes me feel second best
My friends makes me feel second best
My circumstances makes me feel second best
Why must people be so insensitive?
All that they do and say makes me believe even more that I'm just second best
Why have I come to this point where I've let others determine my worth?
I'm starting to no longer feel belong
Those lonely moments, what's new about that
It has been that way at the most phase of my life
Often at my lowest point
If I could tell my life story
There would be much tears that would come with it
But would my friends know?
Would they even care to know?
Would they even care to understand?
I guess not
I use to be strong, but now I feel defeated
Why can't I allow God to pull me through those lonely moments like before?
I know Your grace is sufficient to pulled me through
Even as I looked back, I don't really know how I did it
And I know for sure that that is a lifesong I could sing
Yet, so much have been thrown at me
That I find myself drawing away from You
I hate where I am right now
I find myself indulging in self pity
What have I become?
How can friends be so close yet so far?

...the feeling of belonging yet not belonging...

Now that I see things clearer than before
I've made the decision to help people find self worth
Not in the eyes of man but in the Eyes of the One who sees the art in us
The same One who has written this lifesong of mine
The same One who has given me my worth
I'm looking forward to brighter days
When I can finally overcome myself
And help others overcome it
Till then, I'll climb the ladder once again
To where I left off
Though I may bruise and scar along the way
I want to climb back up
And I will make it
I know I WILL

...the feeling of belonging yet not belonging...

~Jesus be my reason to live each and everyday~


At 4:48 PM, Blogger alephtav said...

if you were to sing your lifesong,
i'd wanna be there to dance to it.
with you.
and also. a big huge box of tissues.
*hugs you*
love you lots. lots.

At 3:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



are u talking about me?????? *takut* :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

do i make u feel second best?? *worried*

I'm so sorrrrrrryyyyyyyyy~ :'(

*I have no idea what's going on*

but ur not! You're so much stronger than those around you....

ahhhhh.... how can u feel this way??? ahhhh...

*I shall punish myself*

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

from Sandi Patti's song - You are a masterpiece

Before you had a name or opened up your eyes,
Or anyone could recognize your face.
You were being formed so delicate in size
Secluded in God’s safe and hidden place.

With your tiny hands and Little tiny feet
And little eyes that shimmer like a pearl.
He breathed in you a song and to make it all complete
He brought the masterpiece into the world.

You are a masterpiece….
And now you’re growing up your
Life’s a miracle
Every time I look at you,
I stand in awe….

At 11:12 PM, Blogger jacintha said...

auds: Thanks a lot. Ur sweet.. :)

di: *hugs* feel better..*wink*

At 11:13 PM, Blogger jacintha said...


The song lyrics are simply beautiful. Thank you for that. Care to reveal your identity? =)

At 3:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, not so fun already if I reveal my identity. >:)

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Renee Tay said...

I know how you feel,
I've been there
Sometimes I feel like running away myself,
So do me a favor right now and close your eyes,
And picture us running away together,
when we come back everything is gonna be okay..

Be strong lady!! :)


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