Just want to apologize for not updating my blog in a very very long time. You are about to see a gazillion pictures... Oklar not that many but still many. So yea be prepared... don't say I didn't warn you... *wink*
First event on the list:
14 August 2007
My 20th Birthday. Yea I'm old.. sobs.. 2 decades edi... sigh.. Anyhow my birthday celebration was awesome. Thanks to some really special friends.
My homies celebrated my birthday two days earlier. My darling Heidi made me a birthday cake. And guess what, the cake icings and decorations are made out of mush mallows. Not only that, it's blue in color and it has blue butterflies and roses on it... all the things I like.. =)
First time ever, someone bake me a cake for my birthday and she actually spend 3 days making it... =) I was so reluctant to cut the cake.
*I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really love it. Thanks a lot Heidi.. muaks*
My homies (Heidi, John and Gary) bought be a really cute dog soft toy as a birthday present. It's fur is super soft. But I guess Gary love the dog more than I do.. haha.. =p.. That explains why he likes to come into our room and steal the dog.
The next day some of my friends brought me to Wong Kok Char Chan Teng to celebrate my birthday earlier. Yea, and the restaurant gives out a big cup of drink for the birthday people. My friends managed to persuade the shop people to give me the drink even though my birthday was only the next day. So yea.. WOOHOO... we got ourself a really big cup of teh ais.. yea teh ais..=p
*Thanks for dinner John, Heidi, Gary, Jason and Kenny... wink*
The celebration did not stop there. Past twelve midnight one whole group of CFers intruded my house. I was thinking about the possibility of being birthday bash, but they celebrated it with a birthday cake instead... sweet.. =) I didn't expect to see so many of them, including some of the graduated seniors.. double sweetness.
Guess what, the celebration still did not end there. Some of them were unsatisfied that I didn't get bash. So they decided to bash me up in the toilet. Basically, I guess you should be able to guess what happen. Yea, they showered me.. with my clothes on of cause.. =p They couldn't resist watching me get bash alone. Therefore, in the end they decided to bash each other up as well. So yea, most of us were soak.
Finally, what's a celebration without balloons... WOOHOO... Yup, Kenny did some balloon sculpturing for us girls.
Birthday girl... Happieeeeeeee......... =)
It really was an awesome birthday. Three days of celebration, not bad huh? Thanks guys for making my special day so special.
Next on the list:
18th August 2007Went down to Malacca to celebrate CF 10th anniversary. Can you believe it, my CF is actually 10 years old already. That's a great achievement for a CF. Heidi, John and I bunked at Gary's place in Malacca. It has been a while I've been thinking of painting my nails black. Therefore, I decided to paint it black and attend the anniversary with gothic nails. And guess what, two sampat guys decided to play along... haha.. Yup Heidi helped painted our nails. So yea, Gary, Kenny and I went with black nails.. =p
A lot more pictures ahead...
The usual housemates picture is a must
When we were in Malacca we went to this shop that serves the nicest cake I've ever tasted. But I don't remember the name of the shop. Mille crepe cake... good stuff. The cake is made out of layers of pancake. So so good. It's a must eat whenever I go down to Malacca.
The trip down to Malacca was great. I can't remember how many times I went down to Malacca this year already. Nice place to be.
Ze land of the food....=p
More pictures coming up... =p